Finding out your home or business has been flooded is bad enough, to find all your old precious memories (videotapes, movie films or slides) are damaged is another huge blow and we are here to help.

If this is recent damage (within a month) of a water, flood or hurricane damaged media, these should be looked after right away. The sooner they are handled by our specialist the more chance of a successful Recovery.

The major issue is the media being exposed to contaminated or saltwater. Both can harm film and tape within a very short time of exposure. Contaminants such as sewer, fuel, oil or salt and the water exposure to tape or film can be very serious.

If still moist, or exposed to flood, contaminated, mud or salt water within the last days or weeks, remove any excess water from the tapes or films, remove any cardboard sleeves or plastic/metal cans, place in Ziplock or equivalent type baggies, seal, wrap tightly, package and ship in a “box” if possible.


If the film or video is now dry, there is no immediate urgency, however, contaminates and mold will eat away at the film or video and should be Recovered sooner than later.

Once they arrive at our studio/lab we will immediately visually inspect your media and then provide the minimum charge and a quote for your project.

If you decide to proceed based on our visual inspection/information and quote you will be required to pay a deposit and then your tapes or films will be cleaned, stabilized and then scheduled for urgent/rush Recovery and Digitizing.

There will be no charge if you decide not to proceed or if the tape or film is beyond Recovery.




Aerial Cover photo courtesy of RDKB, all other photos provided by Teamwork Media Television Inc.

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