“Bringing memories to life, for life by preserving North American history, one frame at a time”.
Friendly, Professional Service
The mission of our company is to preserve history and provide top quality service and care to our clients using state of the art technology and old fashioned values. We have been providing video and film preservation services since 1980.
We take special interest and pride in helping our clients. We make information available to promote a safe and comfortable means of having your analog formats converted & or preserved to digital for future family members or historical archives.
Your satisfaction is assured through our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
Honesty: We deal with each client on a personal basis, we will answer your questions honestly and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your order.
Courteous: We pride ourselves on being polite and courteous in all our dealings.
Timely: The backbone of our company is service and we aim to provide each client with timely responses in all inquiries and transactions.
Helpful: Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Most orders submitted to TEAMWORK MEDIA (TMTV) will be covered by our 30 day satisfaction guarantee. With the exception of any Recovery, Repairs, Restoration or Recovery work. (please read details below).
When you receive your order, please inspect it carefully and make sure everything is to your satisfaction immediately.
VERY IMPORTANT: Check your media and files upon receipt and BACKUP YOUR FILES IMMEDIATELY.
RETURNS/WARRANTIES: At TMTV our goal is to ensure you are completely satisfied with your order. If for whatever reason you are dissatisfied with your order please contact us within 30 days so that we can make every effort to correct any issues. VERY IMPORTANT; Claims for physically damaged, missing items or media failure must be received within Fourteen (14) business days of receipt of your merchandise.
LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA; (USB DRIVES/SD CARDS or DISCS): Warranties for media are limited to the original manufacturer & will be replaced by TMTV according to our return/warranties policy (above). Returning defective media: All returned or exchanged media must be in it’s original box or packaging provided when purchased and to include any manuals, cables, cases or accessories. (We must return the same to the original manufacturer to claim the warranty on the merchandise). CUSTOMER PROVIDED MEDIA: There are no warranties or free exchanges or free re-do’s for customer provided media. Defective media provided by TMTV may be repaired or exchanged at our discretion for the same or manufacturer’s equivalent model only. NOTE: Returns/warranties for defective media must be made within 14 days of receiving your order as noted above under”Returns/Warranties”. Please inspect your order and back-up the files as soon as you receive it. Our media products.
STORAGE OF CUSTOMERS COMPUTER FILES: We have a maximum 60 day digital video file storage and backup to all “file formats” from video, film, audio tape, photos, negatives or slides were “files” from the original material were created or mastered. After 60 days from the date of invoice the files will be deleted unless we are instructed by the customer to hold onto the files for a longer period. Again check your original material, media and digital files immediately and BACK UP YOUR FILES upon receipt. NOTE: DVD Masters that were created by “video direct to DVD” are not backed up and are not covered under our file storage and backup program. It is always a good idea to make copies from the masters.
STORAGE OF CUSTOMERS ORIGINAL MATERIAL: TMTV is not responsible for customers original material left at TMTV longer than 30 days after the customer’s initial order is completed and invoiced. We are also not responsible for any material received at TMTV for hands-on inspection and quote left for longer than 30 days. Once a hands-on inspection and quote is provided you have 30 days maximum to make a decision if you want us to proceed with your order. If you do not, you will have to pay for return shipping or ask us to discard your material. We will make a reasonable attempt to contact you by phone or email within 30 days. If we have not received a reply within a reasonable amount of time we have the right to discard your original material.
GUARANTEE EXCEPTIONS: FILM, VIDEO, AUDIO, REPAIR, RESTORATION, RESCUE OR RECOVERY: Film, video, audio, slides, photos physical Repairs, Restoration or Recovery are not covered by any Warranty or Guarantee. After any physical repair, restoration or recovery we can not be held liable for the condition of the original material. No guarantee is implied for these services. Once converted or transferred to a storage media this would be the original materials final attempt. If there is an issue with transfer or conversion of these formats, please be aware that we made the best attempt possible based on your materials original poor physical condition.
MOVIE FILM TRANSFER & LIMITED LIABILITY: Completely blank, black, white frames, extremely out of focus parts will be transferred unless otherwise specified, but can be removed in post (editing) if required or specified. Extremely over or underexposed film will also be transferred, it may have that one shot of Aunt Mary or Uncle Jim that you want. Film that is damaged and that can be repaired will also be transferred. FILM SPEEDS are determined by the original setting speeds of your film camera when originally shot. If you know the original speed we can set the original film speed in post once the film has been scanned. Many 8mm home movie cameras were able to shoot film at many different speeds which results in several different playback or viewing speeds. SOUND FILM; specifically Super 8 sound film can have poor sound quality. 16mm film professionally shot at 24 FPS should have good quality sound. If you do not know the original film speed, the output speed will be set at an appropriate viewable setting. No re-do’s or refunds will be issued for speed related issues on home movie film.
LIABILITY OF CUSTOMERS MATERIAL WHILE PROCESSING YOUR ORDER: While TEAMWORK MEDIA (TMTV) takes every precaution for the safekeeping and handling of ALL client’s material delivered to us, we cannot assume responsibility for loss of, or damage to, said materials from ANY cause whatsoever. It is the client responsibility to insure their material before delivery to *Teamwork Media (TMTV) Teamwork Media Television Incorporated.
CUSTOMERS ORIGINAL MATERIAL SUBMITTED TO TMTV: Customers original Video & audio tapes, movie film, photos or slides will be returned if the material is in good condition, unless otherwise requested for us to not return your originals. No damaged movie film delivered to Teamwork Media for “Recovery/badly damaged” film is usually not returned. (please see the order form, estimate or quote you would have received and/or signed before having us attempt or complete the Film “Recovery” process). Please let us know before or during submission of your damaged movie film that you may want the film returned if possible. You can ask for your original boxes, cans or documents to be returned with your order when filling out the order form or providing this information with your movie films when submitted. Additional shipping charges may apply if this is not arranged before we return your new media. This does not include motion picture film submitted for “Restoration” or film submitted for “scanning, it only applies to severely damaged film that requires chemical processes.
QUOTES & LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE: TMTV will compete with any written quotation offering the same level of service & give you further discounts on MOST orders. Find ANY company in North America that offers lower regular listed prices and the same quality of service on film transfers, video to DVD, slide scanning or audio conversion and we will beat their price. You must supply the quotes by email before sending your order so that we can verify the quote. If they truly offer equal quality & type of service at a lower regular listed price than we do at the time or date of our estimate or quote, we will beat their price. GUARANTEED! (This does NOT apply to any “Special Services” such as Film Recovery and Restoration, Video & Audio Restoration, however, discounts may apply on your quantity). MORE INFO –
SHIPPING/DELIVERY/TRANSIT TIMES *TMTV is not responsible for service transit time. Transit times are provided by the carrier, exclude weekends and holidays, and may vary with package size and destination, particularly during peak periods. TMTV is not responsible for import fees, duty, Customs or taxes that you may be charged when your merchandise reaches you and urges you to consult your local government import office with any questions, however most material sent to TMTV is for repair/restoration and being repaired/converted and returned and no additional fees should be expected.
SECURE PAYMENTS BY CREDIT CARD, PAYPAL, INTERAC E-TRANSFER (e-transfer for Canadian customers only). We accept many kinds of payment transactions. We use a very secure and reliable merchant credit card processing company for VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS. TMTV does not use third-party financial mobile applications or online services that can compromise your credit card information. Payments through PayPal and Interac E-transfer are a very secure method of payment as well. Payments by credit card are held for a maximum of 60 days after your final payment in case a partial or full refund is required. Payments by check: The check must be held by TMTV for 120 days as required by our financial institution. After that time the checks are destroyed.
WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR ORIGINAL MATERIAL YOU DID NOT WANT OR WE COULD NOT RETURN AFTER PROCESSING – WE RECYCLE YOUR OLD MATERIAL AFTER 60 DAYS OF STORAGE AT OUR FACILITY – RECYCLING OF VIDEO AND AUDIO TAPES: If you want us to discard any of your original material we use our local recycling program or re-use the video/audio tapes for parts/repair.
What products are included in the provincial (BC) electronic recycling program?
The VHS and Cassette Tape Recycling Dilemma –